Proctor Productions Image featuring the Raster Content for Booth Sizes

10’ x 20’ endcap

This booth space features 1 side of the booth that backs up to 2 rows of in-line booths. Typical rules & regs involve 8’ height limits, and a peninsula 'backwall' that must look like a step pyramid so that sightlines aren’t impeded down the in-line rows.

10’ x 20 in-line

This booth space features in-line neighbors on each side of the booth, and neighbors behind. Typical rules & regs involve an L-shaped wall where a neighbor is shared, an overall 8’ height limit, and structures that are only 8’ tall the back 5’ of booth depth.

10’ x 10’ in-line

This booth space features in-line neighbors on each side of the booth, and neighbors behind. Typical rules & regs involve an L-shaped wall where a neighbor is shared, an overall 8’ height limit, and structures that are only 8’ tall the back 5’ of booth depth.

30’ x 30’ island

This booth space features aisles on all 4 sides, making it an island. Typical rules & regs involve allowing a hanging sign, 16’ or even 20’ height limits or cubic volume rules, and large structures.

10’ x 10’ corner

This booth space features an in-line neighbor on one side, an open corner with great traffic exposure from 2 aisles, and neighbors behind. Typical rules & regs involve an L-shaped wall where a neighbor is shared, an overall 8’ height limit, and structures that are only 8’ tall the back 5’ of booth depth.

30’ x 70’ island

This booth space features aisles on all 4 sides, making it an island. Typical rules & regs involve allowing a hanging sign, 16’ or even 20’ height limits or cubic volume rules, and large structures.

20’ x 20’ shared island

This booth space features 1 shared wall and aisle on 3 sides, but since it backs up to another 20’ x 20’ booth or larger, a full backwall is typically allowed. Typical rules & regs involve allowing a hanging sign, and 16’ height limits.

20’ x 20’ island

This booth space features aisles on all 4 sides, making it an island. Typical rules & regs involve allowing a hanging sign, and 16’ height limits.

10’ x 20’ corner

This booth space features an in-line neighbor on one side, an open corner with great traffic exposure from 2 aisles, and neighbors behind. Typical rules & regs involve an L-shaped wall where a neighbor is shared, an overall 8’ height limit, and structures that are only 8’ tall the back 5’ of booth depth.

40’ x 40’ island

This booth space features aisles on all 4 sides, making it an island. Typical rules & regs involve allowing a hanging sign, 16’ or even 20’ height limits or cubic volume rules, and large structures.

10’ x 30’ in-line

This elongated booth space features in-line neighbors on each side of the booth, and neighbors behind. Typical rules & regs involve an L-shaped wall where a neighbor is shared, an overall 8’ height limit, and structures that are only 8’ tall the back 5’ of booth depth.

Show column

In large convention spaces there are often columns to deal with and account for, and other design obstructions. These sometimes fall right in a booth footprint or just outside them. Typical rules & regs involve allowing columns in a booth footprint to be 'clad' with pipe and drape, column shrouds that don’t touch the actual column, or even vinyl applied right to the column is sometimes allowed.

20’ x 20’ Peninsula booth

This booth space features 1 side of the booth that backs up to 2 rows of in-line booths. Typical rules & regs involve allowing a hanging sign, 16’ height limits, and a peninsula 'backwall' that must look like a step pyramid so that sightlines aren’t impeded down the in-line rows.

30’ x 40’ island

This booth space features aisles on all 4 sides, making it an island. Typical rules & regs involve allowing a hanging sign, 16’ or even 20’ height limits or cubic volume rules, and large structures.