This week in San Francisco, Event Marketer held their annual Ex Awards and Proctor was well represented by many of our client/agency partners.  With more than 1,000 entries from around the globe, the EventMarketer Ex Awards is the world’s most robust recognition program for experiential marketing.  Among the contestants was Google’s Chromebook Lending Library, a concept designed and built by Proctor, which took the Ex Award for Best Pop Up Shop.


“Leveraging the insight that students are increasingly working in the cloud and taking their (heavy) laptops with them to class, Google launched a college tour to bring their lightweight and speedy Chromebook directly to the people. Playing off the classic library metaphor with a modern twist, they popped up on campuses across the country to lend out the devices for an extended multi-day test drive. Placed in highly visible spots on each campus, The sleek and eye-catching Chromebook Lending Library was a hub where students could get personalized demos, check out a Chromebook and sometimes even win one to keep. T-shirts, stickers with clever campaign messages and organic social sharing drew interest and spread the Chromebook message across campus. Students who got hands-on quickly became believers and fans.”

Ex Awards Winners





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